The Campbelltown Domestic Violence Committee (CDVC) is auspiced by Sector Connect who are the Peak Body for services in Macarthur and Campbelltown City Council convene the meetings providing our meeting space and support.
Our Mission
To work towards the elimination of domestic violence through the development of partner ships and increased coordination of service provision in the Campbelltown Local Government Area (LGA).
Our Purpose
The CDVC works towards reducing violence against women, men, and their families by those who are, or have been, in a domestic relationship with them.
The CDVC respects the right of every person to live free from violence and free from the fear of violence, and that this is essential to the wellbeing of every person.
Members acknowledge and respect that Domestic and Family Violence (DFV):
• Does not discriminate and can impact the lives of anyone.
• Can take many forms including (but not limited to): physical, psychological, verbal, financial, and spiritual.
• Statistically is overwhelmingly an offence perpetrated by men against women.
• Is a crime.
CDVC’s specific role in the Campbelltown local government area includes
• Providing a coordinated approach to raising awareness for the protection of people in situations of domestic violence
. • Enhancing interagency responses to those affected by domestic violence.
• Improving interagency networks, and developing collaborative partnerships with government, non-government agencies, businesses and the local community to address and respond to domestic violence using a coordinated approach
• Providing a forum where all agencies delivering services to people experiencing domestic violence can come together to discuss issues of concern, and advocate to address these issues at a systemic level, in a respectful and professional manner.
• Work for cultural change and greater understanding of what are healthy relationships.
• Support and encourage law enforcement; and
• Provide education, information and resources to local services, businesses and community members.
• Apply for grants collectively, which will support the functions of the committe
Membership is open to government, non-government agencies and identified corporate partners or community members, with a commitment to feminist principles, gender equity and gender equality, working in the local government area of Campbelltown.
Membership information and How to Apply
Interested in joining the Committee, click on this link Campbelltown Domestic Violence Committee – Campbelltown City Council (nsw.gov.au) for information and to download membership form.
The Committee meets on the second Monday of the month, commencing February every year, at 10.00 am to 11.30am at Campbelltown City Council premises.
For enquiries contact thegenderequityproject@gmail.com or via our Contact Page.

CDVC Members 2021 West Leagues Club